Introduction to Common Lisp

For the fine hackers of the http://HackerRoom.MX

Jorge Gajon

Little bit of History

It was created by John McCarthy in 1958, as a mathematical notation for computer programs.

Was not intended to be an actual programming language... until someone (Steve Russell) wrote an interpreter for it.

There are many LISPs

Lisp is a family of computer programming languages:

There are many LISPs

We will concentrate in one of them:

Common Lisp

Lisp is Different

Lisp is Different


A Lisp expression (also called form) can be:


Atoms are only separated by whitespace and lists



Lists can be nested.

(a b (c d) e (f (g h)))
((10 a) "no")

Your editor should help you with balancing the parentheses, if it doesn't then get another editor.


Atoms can represent many things, most commonly numbers, strings, and symbols.

Numbers and strings evaluate to themselves:

=> 1

=> "hello"


A symbol is an atom that can have a value,

=> ERROR: The variable HELLO is unboud.

(defparameter hello "Hello World!")

=> "Hello World!"


A function application f(x) is written as (f x)

This is prefix notation.

(function arg1 arg2 arg3 ....)

For example:

(+ 1 2 3)
=> 6

(print "Foo")
=> "Foo" 


Lisp evaluates the arguments (left to right), then applies the function (the first element of the list) to these arguments.


Defining functions

(defun factorial (x)
  (if (eql x 0)
    (* x (factorial (- x 1)))))

(factorial 5)
=> 120

(factorial (+ 2 3))
=> 120

Special Forms

There are "Special Forms" and "Macros", that look like regular functions but don't obey the argument evaluation rules defined for functions.

Special Forms

The special form QUOTE prevents evaluation of its argument.

(print hello)
=> "Hello World!" 

(print (quote hello))

Special Forms

There's a shortcut for QUOTE which is the apostrophe '

(print 'hello)

(print 'hey-im-a-random-symbol)

Special Forms

Another special form is IF

(if (equal 20 (+ 15 5)) 
  (print "I know how to sum!")
  (print "I failed basic math..."))

=> "I know how to sum!" 

Special Forms

There are three arguments to the previous IF example:

Special Forms

The first argument is evaluated:

(equal 20 (+ 15 5))
=> T

And if the result is a true value (which the symbol T is), the second argument to IF is evaluated, otherwise it is the third argument that is evaluated.

Special Forms

There is no difference between expressions and statements

All forms return a value!


(print (if (> 5 3) "Five" "What??"))
=> "Five"

Special Forms

LET defines values for symbols, but these symbols are only valid within the scope of LET.

(let ((a 3)
      (b 4)
      (c 5))
  (* (+ a b) c))
=> 35

LET looks like: (let (bindings) forms).

Special Forms

COND lets us evaluate forms conditionally:

(defun is-my-favorite-number? (num)
  (cond ((equal num 10) "Yes it is")
        ((evenp num) "I like even numbers")
        (t "Nope, try with another one")))

(is-my-favorite-number? 10)
=> "Yes it is"

(is-my-favorite-number? 2)
=> "I like even numbers"

(is-my-favorite-number? 3)
=> "Nope, try with another one"

Special Forms

We can change values of bindings with SETF:

=> "Hello World!"

(setf hello "Hola Mundo!")
=> "Hola Mundo!"

=> "Hola Mundo!"

Special Forms

We can change values of bindings with SETF:

(let ((name "Jorge"))
  (format t "My name is ~a~%" name)
  (setf name "George")
  (format t "Or ~a if you'd like." name))

My name is Jorge
Or George if you'd like.
=> NIL

Creating Lists

CONS is the basic constructor of lists:

(cons 1 nil)
=> (1)

(cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil)))
=> (1 2 3)

(cons 'hey (cons "you" nil))
=> (HEY "you")

Creating Lists

It's easier to create lists with LIST:

(list 1 2 3)
=> (1 2 3)

(list 'hey "you" 10)
=> (HEY "you" 10)

(list 'a (list 'b 'c) 2 3)
=> (A (B C) 2 3)

CONS Cells

Lisp uses a primitive object to create lists, the Cons Cell.

A Cons Cell is an object with two slots, which for historical reasons, are called the CAR and CDR

CONS Cells

Remember that:

(cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil)))
=> (1 2 3)

A picture of the cons cells is:


CONS Cells

(list "foo" (list 1 2) 10)
=> ("foo" (1 2) 10)



You can use lists to represent trees of any depth and complexity:



(1 2 3 4 5)


(1 (2 6 7 8) 3 4 5)


(1 (2 6 7 8) 3 (4 9) 5)


(1 (2 6 7 8) 3 (4 (9 12)) 5)


(1 (2 6 7 8) 3 (4 (9 12)) (5 10 11))


(1 (2 6 7 8) 3 (4 (9 12)) (5 10 11))


You can use the functions CAR and CDR to access the contents of the two slots of a cons cell.

(let ((mylist (list 1 2 3)))
  (format t "First element: ~a~%" (car mylist))
  (format t "The rest: ~a~%" (cdr mylist)))

First element: 1
The rest: (2 3)
=> NIL


There are nicknames for CAR and CDR, called FIRST and REST

(let ((mylist (list 1 2 3)))
  (format t "First element: ~a~%" (first mylist))
  (format t "The rest: ~a~%" (rest mylist)))

First element: 1
The rest: (2 3)
=> NIL


But lispers usually stick to CAR and CDR

The advantage is that they can be combined:

(format nil "Second element is ~a~%" (cadr (list 1 2 3)))
=> "Second element is 2"


(let ((foo '((three 4) (five (6)) "seven" 8)))
  (list (cadar foo)
        (cadr foo)
        (caddr foo)
        (cadddr foo)))

=> (4 (FIVE (6)) "seven" 8)

Multiple Values

A function can return more than one value, for example the function FLOOR divide a number by a divisor and returns two values, the quotient and remainder.

(floor 20 2)
=> 10
=> 0

(floor 20 3)
=> 6
=> 2

Multiple Values

Normally we only access the first value:

(equal 6 (floor 20 3))
=> T

(multiple-value-bind (quotient remainder) (floor 20 3)
  (format t "The quot is ~a and the rem is ~a~%" quotient remainder)
  (+ (* quotient 3) remainder))

The quot is 6 and the rem is 2
=> 20

Multiple Values

We can return multiple values from our functions with the VALUES function:

(defun foo (x)
    (* 2 x)
    (* 3 x)))

(multiple-value-bind (twotimes threetimes) (foo 4)
  (list twotimes threetimes))
=> (8 12)

Data Types: Numbers

Common Lisp has a rich number type system: Reals, Integers, Rationals, Fixnums, Bignums, and Complex.

=> 10.23

(/ 1 3)
=> 1/3

(+ 2/3 1/3)
=> 1

(+ 2/3 5/3)
=> 7/3

Data Types: Numbers

Common Lisp has a rich number type system: Reals, Integers, Rationals, Fixnums, Bignums, and Complex.

#c(10 2)
=> #C(10 2)

(expt 2 1000)
=> 10715086071862673209484250490600018105614048117055336074437503883703510511249361224931983788156958581275946729175531468251871452856923140435984577574698574803934567774824230985421074605062371141877954182153046474983581941267398767559165543946077062914571196477686542167660429831652624386837205668069376 


(defparameter arr (make-array '(2 3) :initial-element nil))

(aref arr 0 0)
=> NIL

(setf (aref arr 0 0) 'b)
=> B



(setf (aref arr 1 0) 'c
      (aref arr 1 1) 'd)

=> #2A((B NIL NIL) (C D NIL))


Vectors are one-dimensional arrays:

(defparameter v1 (make-array '(3)))

(setf (aref v1 0) 'zero
      (aref v1 1) 'one)

=> #(ZERO ONE 0)

Hash Tables

A Hash Table associates values with keys:

(setq ht1 (make-hash-table))

(gethash 'quux ht1)
=> NIL
=> NIL

(setf (gethash 'baz ht1) 'baz-value)
(gethash 'baz ht1)
=> T

(setf (gethash 'gronk ht1) nil)
(gethash 'gronk ht1)
=> NIL
=> T


(dotimes (i 5)
  (format t "Number: ~a~%" (+ 2 i)))

Number: 2
Number: 3
Number: 4
Number: 5
Number: 6
=> NIL

The Loop Macro

(loop for i from 1 to 10 collecting i)
=> (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)

(loop for x from 1 to 10 summing (expt x 2))
=> 385

(loop for x across "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
      counting (find x "aeiou"))
=> 11

The Loop Macro

(loop for x in '(1 2 3 4)
      collect (1+ x))
=> (2 3 4 5)

The Loop Macro

(defun even/odd (ns)
  (loop for n in ns
        if (evenp n)
          collect n into evens
          else collect n into odds
        finally (return (values evens odds))))

(even/odd (list 1 2 3 5 6 8 11 20 54))
=> (2 6 8 20 54)
=> (1 3 5 11)

The Loop Macro

(defparameter *random* (loop repeat 100 collect (random 10000)))

(loop for i in *random*
      counting (evenp i) into evens
      counting (oddp i) into odds
      summing i into total
      maximizing i into max
      minimizing i into min
      finally (return (list min max total evens odds)))
=> (69 9918 479477 55 45)

Anonymous functions

LAMBDA can be used to define functions without giving them an explicit name:

(defun double-me (x) (* 2 x))

(double-me 4)
=> 8

((lambda (x) (* 2 x)) 4)
=> 8


MAPCAR traverses a list and applies a function to each element of the list, returning a new list with the results:

(mapcar #'double-me (list 1 2 3 4))
=> (2 4 6 8)

(mapcar (lambda (x) (* 3 x)) (list 1 2 3 4))
=> (3 6 9 12)

Functions are first class objects

(defun curry (fn &rest args)
  (lambda (&rest rest)
    (apply fn (append args rest))))

(funcall (curry #'* 2) 10)
=> 20

(mapcar (curry #'+ 10) (list 1 2 6 7 30 40))
=> (11 12 16 17 40 50)


(reduce #'+ #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))
=> 55


A Macro lets us do transformations to our source code before it's even compiled.

They look a lot like functions, the form a macro definition is:

(defmacro name (arguments) body)


(defmacro reverse-cons (rest first)
  `(cons ,first ,rest))

(reverse-cons nil 2)
=> (2)


(defmacro my-when (condition &rest body)
  `(if ,condition (progn ,@body)))

(my-when (> 5 2)
  ;; do something...


(defmacro my-unless (condition &rest body)
  `(if (not ,condition) (progn ,@body)))

(my-unless (= 5 2)
  (print "Of course it is not the same"))
=> "Of course it is not the same" 


(defmacro aif (test then &optional else)
  `(let ((it ,test))
     (if it ,then ,else)))

(aif (get-customer "Pepe")
  (print (customer-name it))
  (print "Not found!"))
=> "Pepito"

(aif (get-customer "Foo")
  (print (customer-name it))
  (print "Not found!"))
=> "Not Found!"

More functional functions

(defun memoize (fn)10) (list 1 2 6 7 30 40))
  (let ((cache (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
    (lambda (&rest args)
      (aif (gethash args cache)
        (setf (gethash args cache) (apply fn args))))))

More functional functions

(defun expensive-func (x)
  (sleep x)
  (* 2 x))

(defparameter *memoized-expensive-func* (memoize #'expensive-func))

(funcall *memoized-expensive-func* 3)
=> 6  ;This function call takes 3 seconds to complete.

(funcall *memoized-expensive-func* 3)
=> 6  ;This function call returns immediately

Common Lisp Object System (CLOS)

(defclass rectangle ()
  ((height :initarg :start-height
           :accessor rectangle-height)
   (width :initarg :start-width
          :accessor rectangle-width)))

Common Lisp Object System (CLOS)

(defparameter r1 (make-instance 'rectangle
                                :start-height 50
                                :start-width 100))

(rectangle-height r1)
=> 50

(rectangle-width r1)
=> 100

Common Lisp Object System (CLOS)

(defclass color-rectangle (rectangle)
  ((color :initarg :color
          :accessor rectangle-color)))

Common Lisp Object System (CLOS)

(defparameter r2 (make-instance 'color-rectangle
                                :start-height 10
                                :start-width 15
                                :color 'red))

(format nil "A ~a rectangle of ~ax~a"
        (rectangle-color r2)
        (rectangle-height r2)
        (rectangle-width r2))
=> "A RED rectangle of 10x15"

Common Lisp Object System (CLOS)

(defclass circle ()
  ((radius :initarg :start-radius
           :accessor circle-radius)))

Common Lisp Object System (CLOS)

(defclass output-medium ()
  ((name :initarg :name
         :accessor medium-name)))

(defclass screen (output-medium)
  ((res-x :initarg :res-x
          :accessor screen-res-x)
   (res-y :initarg :res-y
          :accessor screen-res-y)))

(defclass printer (output-medium)
  ((location :initarg :location
             :accessor printer-location)))

Common Lisp Object System (CLOS)

(defgeneric paint (shape medium))

(defmethod paint ((shape rectangle) medium)
  (format nil "Drawing a rectangle of ~ax~a, on unkown medium ~a"
          (rectangle-height shape)
          (rectangle-width shape)
          (medium-name medium)))

(defmethod paint ((shape circle) medium)
  (format nil "Drawing a circle or radius ~a, on unknown medium ~a"
          (circle-radius shape)
          (medium-name medium)))

Common Lisp Object System (CLOS)

(defmethod paint ((shape rectangle) (medium screen))
  (format nil "Drawing a rectangle of ~ax~a, 
               on screen ~a of ~a by ~a pixels"
          (rectangle-height shape)
          (rectangle-width shape)
          (medium-name medium)
          (screen-res-x medium)
          (screen-res-y medium)))

Common Lisp Object System (CLOS)

(defmethod paint ((shape rectangle) (medium printer))
  (format nil "Drawing a rectangle of ~ax~a,
          on printer ~a located at ~a"
          (rectangle-height shape)
          (rectangle-width shape)
          (medium-name medium)
          (printer-location medium)))

Common Lisp Object System (CLOS)

(let ((r1 (make-instance 'rectangle
                         :start-height 15
                         :start-width 20))
      (c1 (make-instance 'circle :start-radius 30))
      (plotter (make-instance 'output-medium :name "Plotter"))
      (screen1 (make-instance 'screen
                              :name "Big Screen"
                              :res-x 1024 :res-y 780))
      (printer1 (make-instance 'printer
                               :name "HP blah"
                               :location "downstairs")))
    (paint r1 plotter)
    (paint r1 screen1)
    (paint r1 printer1)
    (paint c1 plotter)))

Common Lisp Object System (CLOS)

=> ("Drawing a rectangle of 15x20, on unkown medium Plotter"
       "Drawing a rectangle of 15x20, 
           on screen Big Screen of 1024 by 780 pixels"
       "Drawing a rectangle of 15x20,
           on printer HP blah located at downstairs"
       "Drawing a circle or radius 30, on unknown medium Plotter")

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