git tips and tricks - Part 1: the fundamentals

Published: June 11, 2022

Most of the time we only use a very limited set of git commands, git checkout -b <branch> to start a new branch, git pull origin to update your current branch with any remote changes, git add . & git commit -m to save your work, and git push origin to push your changes to a remote repository.

That is perfectly fine, and online tools like Github or Gitlab make working with a git repository even easier. But have you wondered what is going on when we execute those commands?

In this and the following articles, we will explore how a git repository works, and how when you use the commands we mentioned above the branches and commits are created and tracked inside the repository. We will also understand how to fix common problems that arise when working with other people over the same repository.

All of this will be explained in a very easy-to-understand manner, without diving into deep technical details that are not important to our usage of git.

What is a git repository?

The following explanation is not 100% technically accurate, but instead, a simplification that will allow us to think about this topic without getting too distracted with details we don't need.

We can think of a git repository as a collection of commits organized in a Directed Acyclic Graph. A what? A Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) is a collection of nodes with connections between them, these connections have a direction, and it is impossible to form a closed loop by following these connections.

The following is an example taken from Wikipedia. Notice that no matter which node you pick, there is no way to follow the arrows and end up in the same starting node.

Example of a directed acyclic graph

You can think of the git commands as commands to manipulate this DAG. Each node in the graph represents a commit and each commit has one or more parents. In turn, each commit represents a change (or patch) to the contents of your repository.

Branches are pointers to commits

We can refer to the commits in a graph by their hash, each node in a git repository has a unique hash, and no two commits can ever have the same one. But using hashes would be very inconvenient, so we use branches to refer to commits instead.

Let’s see this in action with an example. Let’s initialize an empty repository and create a couple of commits.

$ git init --initial-branch=main test-repository
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/foo/test-repository/.git/

$ cd test-repository/
$ echo "This is our first file" > README.txt
$ git add README.txt

$ git commit -m "Initial commit, added README.txt"
[main (root-commit) c8c57bf] Initial commit, added README.txt
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 README.txt

We created an empty repository with the name test-repository, this created a directory with that name, and we also specified the name of our initial branch to be main.

We created a file README.txt with one line of text, and we committed our work with our very first commit. Notice that git is telling us what the hash of this commit is with [main (root-commit) c8c57bf], in this case, the hash is c8c57bf.

A visual representation of our graph looks like this:

┌────┐    ┌────┐     .─────────.
│HEAD│───▶│main│───▶(  c8c57bf  )
└────┘    └────┘     `─────────'

NOTE: If you follow these commands on your computer you’ll notice that the commit hashes will be entirely different for you, this is normal.

So far we have only one node with commit hash c8c57bf, and a branch named main pointing to this commit. There’s also a special pointer named HEAD that is pointing to main.

Now let’s create a second commit.

$ echo "Welcome to our new repository" >> README.txt
$ git add README.txt

$ git commit -m "Added second line to README.txt"
[main 3bbdb69] Added second line to README.txt
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

The hash of the second commit is 3bbdb69. Our graph now contains two nodes and it looks like this:

┌────┐    ┌────┐     .─────────.
│HEAD│───▶│main│───▶(  3bbdb69  )
└────┘    └────┘     `─────────'
                    (  c8c57bf  )

The newest commit 3bbdb69 has an arrow pointing to the first commit c8c57bf. We say that the parent commit of 3bbdb69 is c8c57bf. The very first commit in a repository does not have a parent, and every subsequent commit will have one or more parents.

Also notice that the branch main has moved and it is pointing to 3bbdb69 and that the HEAD pointer also moved with main.

Let’s add a third commit to make this more interesting.

$ touch empty-file.txt
$ git add empty-file.txt
$ git commit -m "Added an empty file"
[main bece83c] Added an empty file
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 empty-file.txt

Our graph now looks like this:

┌────┐    ┌────┐     .─────────.
│HEAD│───▶│main│───▶(  bece83c  )
└────┘    └────┘     `─────────'
                    (  3bbdb69  )
                    (  c8c57bf  )

The special HEAD pointer will follow us wherever we jump in the graph of commits. By using git checkout we can jump to any commit we want, and it will also take care of updating our working files to match the state they had when that commit was created.

$ git checkout c8c57bf
Note: switching to 'c8c57bf'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c <new-branch-name>

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at c8c57bf Initial commit, added README.txt

git is telling us that we are now in a detached HEAD state. This means that HEAD is no longer pointing to a branch. This is important because if you create new commits while in this detached HEAD state and then jump back to a different branch, you could lose those commits.

The new recommended way to switch to a detached HEAD state is to use the command git switch --detach, this way you are being more explicit about your intention. For example:

$ git switch --detach c8c57bf
HEAD is now at c8c57bf Initial commit, added README.txt

We can see that the contents of our files and working directory reflect the state they had when the commit we are pointing to now was created.

$ cat README.txt
This is our first file

$ cat empty-file.txt
cat: empty-file.txt: No such file or directory

We can experiment while in this detached HEAD state. For example, we can create new commits and they won’t affect other branches. If we want to discard this experiment we can simply jump to another branch. If we want to keep the changes made in this experiment then we have the option of creating a new branch here.

Open your favorite code editor and change the README.txt file so that it contains the following lines:

This is our first file

- Added README.txt

Then save that change in a new commit.

$ git add README.txt
$ git commit -m "Added changelog to README.txt"
[detached HEAD fb75aff] Added changelog to README.txt
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)

Our graph now looks like the following. Notice that HEAD moved to point to the new commit fb75aff, and the new commit has an arrow to c8c57bf meaning that c8c57bf is the parent of our new commit. We are still in a detached HEAD state.

                 ┌────┐     .─────────.
                 │main│───▶(  bece83c  )
                 └────┘     `─────────'
┌────┐     .─────────.      .─────────.
│HEAD│───▶(  fb75aff  )    (  3bbdb69  )
└────┘     `─────────'      `─────────'
                │                │
                           (  c8c57bf  )

Now let’s create a new branch that will point to this new commit, and in this way, we avoid losing this work if we jump to a different branch.

$ git switch -c changelog
Switched to a new branch 'changelog'

Notice that now HEAD points to our new branch changelog, we are no longer in a detached HEAD state.

                 ┌────┐     .─────────.
                 │main│───▶(  bece83c  )
                 └────┘     `─────────'
┌────┐  ┌─────────┐              │
│HEAD│─▶│changelog│              │
└────┘  └─────────┘              │
          │                      │
          │                      ▼
          │  .─────────.    .─────────.
          └▶(  fb75aff  )  (  3bbdb69  )
             `─────────'    `─────────'
                  │              │
                           (  c8c57bf  )

If we create new commits now, the new branch changelog will move to point to the new commits, and the HEAD pointer will move as well to continue pointing to our new branch.

Going back to our main branch

Let’s go back to our main branch, this will make our special HEAD pointer move to point to main and this will also update the contents of our working files to match the state they had when we last created a commit in main.

$ git switch main
Switched to branch 'main'

Our graph now looks like this:

┌────┐       ┌────┐     .─────────.
│HEAD│──────▶│main│───▶(  bece83c  )
└────┘       └────┘     `─────────'
    ┌─────────┐              │
    │changelog│              │
    └─────────┘              │
      │                      │
      │                      ▼
      │  .─────────.    .─────────.
      └▶(  fb75aff  )  (  3bbdb69  )
         `─────────'    `─────────'
              │              │
                       (  c8c57bf  )

And if we inspect the contents of our README.txt file we see that the changes made in the changelog branch are not there anymore.

$ cat README.txt
This is our first file
Welcome to our new repository

Display the repository graph with git log

I have shown you a simplified visual representation of the graph that contains our commits inside our repository. You can ask git to display this graph in your terminal with the following command.

$ git log --graph --all
* commit fb75affebd2d44fd7100bfe932a06004623825cf (changelog)
| Author: Jorge Gajon <>
| Date:   Sun Jun 26 23:56:14 2022 -0500
|     Added changelog to README.txt
| * commit bece83c61b9d0bd58f5d7d90cb9ca10af8771802 (HEAD -> main)
| | Author: Jorge Gajon <>
| | Date:   Sun Jun 26 23:42:06 2022 -0500
| |
| |     Added an empty file
| |
| * commit 3bbdb697b2fe653de8f73c9071bcacb3aaa3b79b
|/  Author: Jorge Gajon <>
|   Date:   Sun Jun 26 23:35:26 2022 -0500
|       Added second line to README.txt
* commit c8c57bfe49e8d5d1918571f4cbdc708cfd82501e
  Author: Jorge Gajon <>
  Date:   Sun Jun 26 23:15:13 2022 -0500

      Initial commit, added README.txt

Notice a few things. First, the commit hashes are being displayed in their long-form, rather than the short form we’ve seen so far. For example the commit hash we’ve previously seen as bece83c is being shown as its full value of bece83c61b9d0bd58f5d7d90cb9ca10af8771802. Both the short and long-form are interchangeable.

The second thing to notice is that the commit being at the very top is the latest commit we created, in this case, the latest commit in the changelog branch.

If we re-arrange a little bit the visual graph we were seeing previously:

 .─────────.     ┌─────────┐
(  fb75aff  )◀───│changelog│
 `─────────'     └─────────┘
     │   .─────────.    ┌────┐   ┌────┐
     │  (  bece83c  )◀──│main│◀──│HEAD│
     │   `─────────'    └────┘   └────┘
     │        │
     │        ▼
     │   .─────────.
     │  (  3bbdb69  )
     │   `─────────'
     │        │
(  c8c57bf  )

Compare this to what git log --graph --all is showing you. Can you identify the arrows pointing to each commit’s parent? Can you see where the branches and the HEAD are pointing to?

You can ask git to display this graph in an extremely compact form:

$ git log --format=oneline --graph --all
* fb75affebd2d44fd7100bfe932a06004623825cf (changelog) Added changelog to README.txt
| * bece83c61b9d0bd58f5d7d90cb9ca10af8771802 (HEAD -> main) Added an empty file
| * 3bbdb697b2fe653de8f73c9071bcacb3aaa3b79b Added second line to README.txt
* c8c57bfe49e8d5d1918571f4cbdc708cfd82501e Initial commit, added README.txt

Even though there is no arrow shown between bece83c and 3bbdb69, you can still see that 3bbdb69 is the parent of bece83c.

We will talk more about git log in coming articles. But for now, try this exercise: